Parallel coordinate plots are a type of geovisualization that can be used to explore relationships among variables by plotting large multivariate datasets. A parallel coordinate graph is used to plot large multivariate datasets. Each variable in the data plot is represented as its own Y Axis on the graph. A maximum point for each Y axis is selected, and they are scaled relatively to each other so that each variable takes up the same area in the graph space. The strength of parallel coordinates isn't in their ability to communicate some truth in the data to others, but rather in their ability to bring meaningful multivariate patterns and comparisons to light when used interactively for analysis.This image is a Parallel Coordinate Graph of Baseball statistics. For example, each Y Axis is labeled with a particular baseball statistic (i.e. Homeruns, RBIs, etc). The value labeled at the top of each Y axis represents the player with the highest value in that category. A scaling factor is applied to the y value in an (x,y) point, so that all of the statistics are relative in value to each other in the graph. Each line drawn represents a single player. More precisely, a line is represented by the values of each of a player's statistics.
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